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How do HireRight’s Background Checks Help Candidates Get Hired?

You’ve applied to a great company, aced the interview, and are now on your way to a new job!

Suddenly, that same great company wants to check your background to confirm you have all of the skills you listed on your resume and background form, and to ensure you’re not a risk to the workplace they’re trying to protect.

While your natural initial reaction might be to ask “why?” there’s reason to appreciate it. By performing a background check on its new hires, your new employer is demonstrating a strong commitment to a quality workforce and a safe workplace.

Wouldn’t you feel more comfortable knowing that the people around you are honest, qualified for their jobs, and were successfully screened?

Dishonest candidates may claim job positions they never held and degrees they didn’t earn, and if these individuals are hired, you could find yourself on a team with someone unqualified for their job. Other candidates may try to hide their criminal offenses instead of disclosing them to the prospective employer for evaluation, and could end up being a liability to the employer and a dangerous risk to coworkers like you.

Background checks essentially verify information candidates have already provided and are a prudent way for employers to help ensure that they hire the best people for the job. And for you, it means your new employer has taken steps to build a working environment of high integrity, trust, competence, security, and safety.

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